Friday 28 November 2014

The return of Black Friday..

Black Friday is back once again and stores are going into overdrive. Sales with items that are up to 70% off are having consumers go into a shopping frenzy. Online shopping has been cursed with the crashing of websites (shock) as people pile in to make the most of the deals ahead of Christmas, online websites such as Topshop, ASOS, River Island and Curry's electronics have been overloaded with buyers which have therefore led to technical difficulties, and it's not much better for the problems going on in store; Police have been called in order to try and tame hundreds of shoppers as they fight to get the best deals, people going to extremes such as assaulting shop assistants in order to get what they want. I can't help but feel as if the whole idea surrounding Black Friday has got completely out of hand. An event that was once meant to be fun and enjoyable has now become into a war of bargain hunting.

I feel that Black Friday in the build up to Christmas dampens the spirit all together, a season that is meant to be all about togetherness has turned into a war of desperate consumers. I feel that it just goes to show the extremes that some people are going to in order to get the best deals, however yes I agree that the products being sold are of a very good price (most of the time) I also feel that it is a way of brands to take advantage of consumers by selling old stock that is not selling as well as expected. It is a typical sale's technique to which people are buying products for the sake of it..they do not necessarily need the product however due to its incredibly reduced price tag I feel that people convince themselves that it is a necessity.

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