Tuesday 18 November 2014

Fashion inspired by '70's Glam'

Fashion is constantly evolving whilst also constantly rejuvenating and modernizing styles and themes from previous eras. Fashion film and culture have played a huge role within the creation of new trends. Without previous trends and styles to fall back on where would these new ideas come from?

The 2013 film American Film 'American Hustle' is set in New Jersey and is loosely based on the FBI ABSCAM operation of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The film itself shows the male characters dressed in bright and vibrant two piece suits as well having the women in sultry and seductive silk gowns whilst channeling Marilyn Monroe through her iconic ice blonde curled hair and pouty red lips.

Following the films release and great success, the Fashion world began to see a new potential trend- The 70's. Stores went into overdrive with over the top dresses and jewels for the women, and extremely formative yet over the top suits for men. metallic dress ralph lauren 70s Glam: Fashion Inspired by American Hustle Film

This trend continued throughout 2013 before fading out before it reached the New Year. The idea behind using traditional Fashion film and then transforming it into a copycat Hollywood Movie aswell as creating new trends surrounding the style is a way of both adding culture as well as educating people into a world of fashion that they may have never known about before hand. Although we may not realise it at first, famous fashion film icons from the 1900's are continually influencing the fashion industry on a day to day basis which is something that I find really intriguing and interesting to see how it can be modernized to fit in with a whole new decade yet still remain timeless.

Sourced from: http://www.fashiongonerogue.com/american-hustle-70s-fashion-film/

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