Sunday 16 November 2014

Femininity VS. Masculinity

Walking through the streets of Nottingham on a daily basis, I can't help but notice the way in which women seem to be dressing in a much more relaxed and masculine style than ever before. Where women were once seen to dress in a way that was seen to allure and attract male attention, we see that the two genders now appear to be morphing into one another.

Demure embellished pastel coloured knitwear and elegant kitten heels have been replaced with harsh block monochrome oversized swapping jumpers and chunky trainers. In a year the fashion world seems to have moved into an era in which sees women dressing in a way that gives them a dominant edge towards males instead of watching them fade into the background in a stereotypically 'cute' and 'girly' style.

When exactly did light denim jeans paired with a cream fur jacket and tan dolly shoes evolve into black ripped jeans paired with an oversized duster coat and slouchy black boots? At which point did the fine line between mens and womenswear become so blurred to which women could step out in a males t-shirt or jumper and not even be given a second glance? The reality that women are now, more than ever pushing fashion boundaries and dressing how they wish and not how they are expected shows how by forcing a stereotype to a gender makes them want to rebel in the opposing direction to prove their dominance.

Realising that this gender style reversal related to how my style has seemingly evolved over this last year has made me want to look into the idea of feminity vs masculinity a lot f

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