Thursday 27 November 2014

My personal experience with fashion of the future!

Prior to Uuniversity I took a gap year and travelled around the world for six months and can honestly say that packing was a nightmare! Trying to find everyday essentials that were going to remain somewhat clean and hygienic in a back pack was proving to be difficult. When it came to packing a towel I was unconvinced that a homely fluffy and soft towel was going to stay exactly that way as I used it daily for 6 months straight...until my friend suggested that I get a microfibre towel. Initially I did not have the slightest clue what it was, to me a towel was just a towel!

But I decided to look into it further to see if it would be a better option..

Microfibre is a synthetic fibre that is thinner than one denier!  The shape, size, and combinations of synthetic fibers are selected for specific characteristics, including softness, toughness, absorption, water repellency, electrodynamics, and filtering capabilities, because the microfibre material removes moisture/sweat away from the body, it helps to keep the product or the wearer cool and dry. This basically meaning that when I showered and used the towel it would pretty much dry my skin instantly and the towel itself would take little time to dry once used. It is safe to say that investing in a microfibre towel was the best decision for the climate I was going into and I feel that it goes to show just how fast fashion is moving forward and evolving even surrounding the most basic things. I think that over the next 30 years or so it is going to be very interesting to see just how far they can take materials and what innovative ideas designers will come up with.

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