However she is most famous for breaking the boundaries with her Autumn 2012 catwalk show to which she was eight months pregnant and decided to not let the show be an over the top exaggerated affair, yet a small, intricate, invite only event that included only a handful of editors. Despite her taking a massive risk; one that had never been performed in the fashion industry before, it paid off and she was praised highly for her exclusive and desirable approach to launching a collection.
Philo is now known as one of the few "Rare Birds" who made it big in the fashion industry with her clever and innovative thinking to which sets her aside from all other competitors.
I feel that being a woman in the fashion industry is a lot harder than it is for men as we are expected to achieve a lot more to be able to keep up with the higher intake of males within the industry, for example CFDA only having 2 women recipients awarded in an 8 year history! However despite some feeling that this is a negative thing, I feel that it should be taken as a positive as it gives the individual the drive and determination to take risks, break boundaries and create a positive name for yourself.
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