Thursday, 18 December 2014

Fashion gone too far?

I was reading my daily dose of the Daily Mail online this morning when I stumbled across this article in the 'Femail' section.

My first thought whilst sitting reading the article was just hoping that my breakfast wasn't going to come back up! The thought of human hair on a pair of shoes is one that whilst entirely unique, is also considerably disturbing. Yet despite how unflattering the shoes may seem, I understand the logic and whit behind designer Zhu Tian's designs. By taking a product (the high heel) to which is usually considered to be sexual and alluring to men and transforming them into something that is grotesque and somewhat 'manly', she is presenting the idea that women do not always wear high heels to attract a males attention so therefore by designing a pair of high heels that will most definitely not be seen as lustrous towards a male she is almost giving women the freedom of being able to wear high heels if they please yet without the unwanted attention from desperate males in the street.

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