Tuesday 9 December 2014

Colour mood board imagery

When looking into possible ideas of editing images for my colour palette mood board I came across the idea of double exposure and overlaying images. Instead of using Photoshop, I decided to have a go on a different photographic software; Pixlr. I selected 5 images from my colour palette selection and overlapped them over the top of the main photograph of a hand with neutral coloured nails. I decided to use a mixture of different areas surrounding my theme of 'In the nude..' I used a mixture of fashion and food/drink to form my over layed image. I then used an effect called 'Ingrid' from the 'Subtle' section of effects. I decided upon this particular effect as I felt it had the most significance with my colour theme as it is static and blunt yet with the help of the under exposed images it helps to show a contrast between the soft airy colours and the deeper grittier colours.

Overall I was pleased with the outcome of this image as I feel it has a lot of depth and texture to it that a single framed image does not. I plan to explore areas of this idea and see how far I can take it.

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