Monday 23 March 2015

This Girl Can

The team at FCB Inferno created the viral video 'This Girl Can'. The concept is aimed to get more women, aged between 14-40 to exercise regularly (atleast once a week).

Trends: Feminism, obesity, body image, size zero, healthy eating, fitspiration
Insight: Sport England discovered a big gender gap in the market.
              2 million fewer women are exercising regularly than men.
              Currently in Europe, England ranks 3rd for male participation but 19th for female participation within the sport & exercise category.

The company discovered that 75% of women aged between 14-40 said that they wanted to exercise but were put off by the "fear of others" perception. Therefore they decided to do something about it...

-The campaign uses 'real' women of all different shapes and sizes.
- Celebrates 'real' women, who are already smashing through the fear of judgement barrier (#ThisGirlCan).
- Gives girls and women the confidence to overcome their fear of being judged.

- The team at FCP Inferno hit upon the idea of 'T shirt' style slogans. to which each one is used to represent a different judgement barrier:
1. "I jiggle, therefore I am"
2. "My gameface has lipstick on it"
3. "Damn right, I look hot"
4. "Hot and not bothered"
5. "Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox"
6. "I kick balls, deal with it"

- The campaign is slick, fast moving and glamourising working out
- Showcases real stories with 7 real women
- All of the women presented are shown to be aspirational.
- The women were street cast; they are not secret athletes
- Women wear oridinary gym kit with "pops of colour"
- Not glossy but a high performance, fast paced ad

- The use of Missy Elliot's "Get Ur freak on" was selected as the brand explained that it "just felt right". But the use of the song has created great interest within the social media world as now Missy Elliott herself has shared and spoken about the campaign on Twitter.

The campaign is promoted to best fit in with the consumer
COMMS MIX - Based on the consumer:
- Advertising
- Public relations
- Direct marketing
- Retail
- Sales promotion
- Personal selling

Ad was launched on Monday 12th January 2015
- Launched during 7.45pm ad break in Coronation Street for 30 seconds
- 8.4 million viewers
- ITV reaches 86% of housewives (intended audience)

- Reaches outdoor, PR, PPC (Paid search online - doubled in real estate) as well as on the Web through the use of both their own website but also through YouTube and social shares on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Overall, I feel that the ad itself is extremely powerful as it truly represents the real women through their stories, who have suffered with the judgmental "fear of others" perception. It shows how the women have moved past the negativity and taken to excersise as the form of getting back to those who had spoken negatively about them. Proving that by taking part in sport and exercising, you are not only standing up to the judgmental people but also empowering yourself by leading a healthier lifestyle.

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