Saturday 21 March 2015

Audrey Hepburn - The inspiration behind Miss Dior?

When looking further into both past and present Miss Dior fragrance campaigns, I couldn't help but notice that each campaign dared a striking resemblance to that of the iconic 1950's fashion figure, Audrey Hepburn, through both the use of styling, hair and makeup selection, as well as the location choices and camera shots used to capture Miss Dior in action.

When previously looking at the Miss Dior campaigns, I never before noticed these subtle resemblances, yet when looking into them deeper, I found myself continually picking up on similarities between the two. Even within the ways that both women present themselves; a feminine, lust after, business headed woman who never let anyone get too close.

Both Audrey and Miss Dior represent the woman that other females want to be like. They are both presented as desirable characters through their extreme femininity and sex appeal, yet also with a more mysterious and secretive side, to which is stereotypically seen as a trait to allure a males attention.

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