Monday 20 October 2014

Yasmine Chanel

I was flicking through Instagram the other day when I stumbled across fashion blogger 'Yasmine Chanel'. I was immediately attracted to her effortlessly cool style and her average day to day style of blogging.
Her blog is full of fun and quirky images of fashion, styling, food, animals and places to which she comes in to contact with. I love the way that she highlights all of these areas rather than just focusing purely on fashion as I feel it makes for a much more relatable and interesting read.

I really like the way in which her photographs are compositioned as well, they have an almost arty feel to them which is given off by the different angles used and how certain elements are positioned within the shot. For example the photographs of her above against the graffiti wall, she is allowing the art to be the main focus of the image and allows herself to blend in to it with her almost matching baby pink coloured jacket against the fleshy pink face behind her. Its like she is allowing the background image to be the main focus point of the photograph which therefore makes herself part of the backdrop to enable it to stand out.

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