Thursday 2 October 2014

Pre Arrival Activities

Before starting at NTU we were set a few pre arrival activities to do over summer in order to help give us a better idea of what the course would involve. We were asked to find examples surrounding the fashion communication and promotion touch points of the digital, print and retail areas of the industry.

I decided to focus on Fashion bloggers and how they worked online, as well as ASOS both online and  how they worked digitally, in print and their style of retailing in both these areas. I also focused on Moschino's Barbie and McDonalds inspired runway shows. I made 3 mood boards for each of the elements that I focused on, shown below:

Fashion Bloggers.
 I focused my fashion bloggers mood board on the 3 bloggers featured on my page already-Charlotte Martin, Sarah Ashcroft and Hannah Louise. Creating a mood board allowed me to look deeper into their actual blogs and backgrounds so that I had a wider knowledge of where they came from and what they have studied previously etc, rather than just purely focusing on their styling alone.

ASOS    The things that I found out about ASOS and how they worked online was the variety of different areas to their website that add a more personable effect, for example; they have a 'Personal Stylist' section in which you can search what type of style you like and an online stylist will help you to choose clothes that suit to that particular style that you have chosen as well as helping you decide how to put certain looks together.
 The Marketplace allows you to sell your own unwanted vintage clothing which I feel gives a more interactive approach which ultimately gives the buyer a more interactive position in the buying and selling of clothes. Aswell as this they also have a 'Live Feed' streaming constantly, which allows you to see what trends people are enjoying the most as well as generally clothing from the website that is most popular at that moment in time.

I first became interested in this particular collection by Moschino after seeing it on the runway. It intrigued me as I immediately fell in love with the way that they took something stereotypically seen as 'tacky' and 'childish' and made it into an entirely unique and really fun collection. The use of peroxide blonde wigs and 'doll like' makeup made the Barbie theme even more believable. I feel that if the collection was to be copied by high-street brands that it just wouldn't have the same effect as it did on the runway as I think the use of the clever props and monochrome catwalk contributed greatly to the fun, bubbly and bold collection and show that was put on for consumers and buyers.

Overall I feel that the pre arrival activities were really helpful in getting a better insight into all of the different areas surrounding fashion as well as being able to present the research in an innovative and unique way.


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