Monday 27 October 2014

Image analysis - Elle magazine

Working with both a magazine in which we read on a regular basis and the other being a magazine that we have never read before, we were asked to focus on image analysis and select an image from both magazine and pin point areas of the image in which we felt the designer had used to put across a particular message through the mise-en-scene and aura of what it was displaying.
I chose Elle magazine as the magazine that I read regularly and decided to analyse an image in which was advertising the CHANEL PREMIÈRE, CHAIN BRACELET (watch) in a steel and diamond setting.

1. What are your initial thoughts towards the image?
-Simple, old school glamour
-Love, happiness, care free attitude
-Use of off centred and centred images
-Textural range- blurred misty background
                         - high shine metallic car.
-Use of monochrome and greyscale theme

2. What is the image?
-A two page spread advertisement for a Chanel watch

3. Describe exactly what you see in the image?
-A man and woman both dressed in black
-Old fashioned car
-Pearl earrings
-1 white rose
-90 degree arm angle from woman
-Off centred image
-Grill panel at front- off centred
-Reflection on the car bonnet
-Co-ordinating style between man and woman

4. What do these details portray?
-Both having the man and woman in co-ordinating black outfits and block square rimmed sunglasses adds a sense of mystery and blocked out hidden identity.
-Use of the old fashioned car with the woman wearing pearl earrings and a singular white rose symbolises the idea of an old school romance.
-The vertical stance of the woman's arm in which aligns with the grill pan in the corner of the image of the car, adds both dimension as well as acting as a grid within the image- it brings you to the focus point and centre of the image.
-Use of textural range- the blurred/ unfocused background against the high shine, metallic car juxtapose one another, making the two models the main focus of the image as they are a balance in-between these two opposing textures.


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