As one of the tasks for our course, we have been asked to research and create a mood board based on a colour theme of our choice. I have chosen to focus on the neutral, nude and pastel tones. I chose this theme as I really love the simplicity of neutral tones and how it is so easy to dress them both up and down depending on the occasion, as well as the tones being completely seasonal therefore being able to carry the colour through from summer to winter.

I have been collecting images on Pinterest surrounding my colour theme but I decided to not purely just focus on clothing alone but to intertwine other elements that the colour reaches into such as food, drink, home decoratives, animals and hair and beauty. It has been really interesting to see just how many areas involve neutral shading that goes by unnoticed such as the everyday cup of tea or coffee, or the eggs you eat for breakfast! Surrounding the text you can see a few of the images that I have selected!

Aswell as gathering images from the internet and Pinterest, I have also been using the old fashioned technique of flicking through magazines such as Elle and OK! and cutting out any shade of neutral that I stumble across whether it be an outfit, food/ drink, accessories or even just a background colour that linked to my colour theme!
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