Thursday 2 October 2014

Strength and Weaknesses Reflection

In today's seminar we had to reflect on our own strengths and weaknesses and what we wish to achieve by the end of the course.

  • Knowledge of cultural fashion due to the 5 months I spent travelling around NZ, Australia and South East Asia in my gap year.
  • Photographic skills due to my 4 years studying photography during both my AS and A levels. Aswell as the use of Photoshop.
  • Keeping up to trends by continually checking online and in fashion magazines..(slight obsession).
  • Blog work; following my Media AS and A level blog surrounding a film that we created and filmed in groups that we then had to continually track, analyse and evaluate throughout the whole process.
  • Writing skills helped by studying A level English literature and language.
  • GCSE Textiles-helped with the design and creating process within the industry.
  • Learning and teaching myself how to use other forms of online media such as Pinterest and Dropbox other than Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • My presentation skills.
  • Starting to use other forms of inspiration such as Art Galleries and Museums rather than just garments themselves.
  • Learning how the business side of the industry works rather than just relying on the more creative side.

My aim is to improve my presentation skills in order to be more comfortable and confident within myself when trying to put my point across and pitch my ideas to others. The strengths that I would like to focus on is my experience within the area cultural fashion as I feel it will be more personal to me as I have been lucky enough to experience it first hand and therefore will be able to expand further surrounding the global market.


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