Thursday 9 October 2014

Reflection of Soap task

After presenting our findings and mood boards to 2 other groups we made a chart in which we reflected on the positives and negatives of our mood boards as well as thinking about what we would do differently if we were to do the task again. Here are our thoughts:

  • Covered a wide range of brands
  • Covered lots of information surrounding brands
  • Understood target customers
  • Understood brand message
  • Good range of images- taken from both in store and online
  • Understood colour schemes and what they symbolise

  • Need to find a more even ratio of text to image
  • Have mood board on bigger scale
  • Look deeper into the more scientific areas of each brands
  • Understand how the brands advertise/ attract audience in more depth
  • Continue colour theme within mood boards- create a colour palette
  • Find out where the brands are selling their products globally
  • Make the brand messages clearer on actual mood boards
  • Look more into unisex/ mens brands
  • Focus more on the brand 'behind the scenes'- find out where the products where made/ developed etc.

Overall, although the negatives outweigh the positives, I feel that it is a good way to look back and see where you went wrong and how you can move forward and improve for the next time you do a similar task, as well as turning all of the negatives into positives.


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