Saturday 17 January 2015

Winnie Harlow

Winnie Harlow is a former America's next top model contestant who suffers from a rare skin disorder called vitiligo, which causes the skin to loose its pigment.

Following on from America's next top model, Winnie was signed as the new face of Desigual. Her unique look has been popularized within the fashion industry with designers desperate to use her for their new campaigns.

Winnie has recently been involved with Eminem, as he cast her to star as the leading role in his latest 2015 single "Guts over fear" featuring singer SIA.

In the Syndrome-directed clip, Eminem crafts a narrative about a down on his luck Michigan man overcoming personal hurdles to become a professional boxer. Meanwhile, model Winnie Harlow lip-syncs Sia's lines. Wearing a blonde "Sia" bob in "Guts Over Fear," Harlow shows how she relates to Marshall Mather's tale of rising above the odds.

I feel that having Winnie cast in the music video helps to bring the lyrics to life as the song is about perseverance and determination, which is something that Winnie Harlow has experienced first hand by never giving up on her ambition to model despite being constantly put down through her childhood. It goes to show how the fashion industry has evolved and become more accepting of people who do not fit in with the old criteria of "one size fits all". I think that it is refreshing to see such a unique face being praised within the fashion industry as it is a breath of fresh air in comparison to the size 0 stereo-typically beautiful models that are sprawled across every designer campaign on a regular basis.

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