Tuesday 5 May 2015

Lavabo joins Facebook!

 As part as the launch and promotion of our brand, we decided to join Social Networking sites in order to connect with our target consumer to ensure that we get the word out of our new brand to allow us to be as successful as possible!

The reason I decided to use the cover photo of the stacked fabrics and materials, was a decision made that I felt best described our brands concept, to which is all about the touch, feel and smell of our product and how it connects with your senses. Also the strategically placed pink blanket forms the shape of a bow in the centre, something that I felt also helped to reinforce our brand name, LavaBO.

 The Facebook page allows users to follow our journey as we transition into a well known fragrance brand.

 The Facebook page will be updated regularly to ensure that our consumers can keep in contact with our brand and what we are up to. Aswell as keep an eye out for various promotional offers and competitions that we will be advertising.

The different photo albums placed on our page will showcase the behind the scenes shots of our campaigns and the final outcomes to make our consumers feel as though they are a part of the creative process within the creation of our brand.

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