Friday 24 April 2015

Our final logo!

After testing out various logo ideas for our brand, we have finally decided to use the one seen below. We feel that the aesthetic of our brand is represented through this logo with its use of subdued sophistication and subtle femininity. The rustic water colour smudge relates to our product as it is presented as a product that is used to simplify your fragrance habits, by being able to purchase a fragrance collection which scents you in one cohesive smell. The colour used is a mature blend of a soft pink and red shade to which we felt best presented our target consumer (female 25+), to which presents femininity yet without being too girly and youthful. The typeface used is natural and flowing, similar to that of a font seen in an old fashioned hand written letter, once again reinforcing the idea of sophistication and maturity.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with our final logo as I feel that it is entirely unique to any other fragrance brand logos that have already been seen within the market, allowing us to engage with consumers due to its quirky and innovative look.

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