Friday 17 April 2015

Creating an online marketing campaign plan - Guest Lecturer

In the seminar session with the guest lecturer, we we asked to define our objectives for our brand campaign idea, as well as defining the intended audience for it also...

- Set your objectives, goals and targets - What is the purpose of your campaign?
- Define your audience - outline profile of customers
- Determine which online channels you will use - consider how the need to align with other media: eg stores, press etc

- Consider the content you need:
- Asset requirements: Videos, Images, headlines and copy etc
- Style and tone you want to use for audience
- Ensure content is useful, relevant and engaging
- How will your content be executed across multiple channels

- Measures, metrics and KPI'S:
- Ensure you know the measures of success

Here are our intended goals and audience..

Objectives, goals and targets:
- Sell 1 scent - Why is it so good?
- To introduce a new fragrance collection that is cohesive within your lifestyle routine within one continuous scent.
- To successfully convert our target consumer to buy into our brand
- To sustain the consumers trust and value for our brand

Define your audience:
- A niche female clientele who appreciates attention to detail within their daily routine. (25+)
- Business woman who wears designer labels
- Does weekly food shop in Waitrose, Ocado
- Social media user regularly

Overall, I found the seminar session really helpful, as it helped us to dig deeper into what we feel is the driving force behind our brand, as well as helping us to better understand the lifestyle of the intended consumer who will be buying into our product and brand.

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